Jr. Beta Club

Greenfield Junior High Beta Club
Thank you for all that you do in our school and community!
Beta Club Eligibility
Junior Beta is an academic, service club. Junior Beta focuses on academics, character, leadership, and service. This year we will be focusing on service in our community and school, and we will take at least one incentive trip this school year. We will charter a bus and will take a day trip.
Grades will be checked each six weeks for Beta Club eligibility. After attaining club membership, Beta members are required to maintain a 90 average each six weeks with no grade below an 85 on the report card. A member has one six weeks to bring up his/her grades if he/she is placed on probation. Students who lose their BETA membership based on grades must requalify for the club with a 90 in each subject area.
Membership has privileges as well as responsibilities. Please discuss both obligations with your child. As Beta members, we participate in several required service and fund-raising projects throughout the school year. We expect all members to participate in all required projects. We realize that students’ grades do sometimes fall, and students are placed on academic probation in the Beta Club. However, we expect students to improve their grades and continue on with all projects. If you do not complete all required projects, you will forfeit your Beta club membership along with your $15 fee. This is a nonrefundable fee. Please be sure of your commitment when you decide to join Greenfield Junior High Beta Club.
Joining the Greenfield Junior High Beta Club is a year-long commitment for students and their parents!
In order to join the club, new members must pay a one time fee of $15 to the National Beta Club.
Jr. Beta Probation
Members who are placed on probation have the next six weeks to bring up their averages. Members on probation will continue to participate in service projects as well as fund-raising projects for that six weeks but may not participate in any incentive trips. The member may choose to pay for an upcoming trip but will forfeit his/her payment of the trip if grades are not improved. The same applies to members in good standing. If you are on probation the six weeks of a trip, you will forfeit the trip as well as any funds paid for the trip.
Students who lose their BETA membership based on grades must re-qualify for the club with a 90 in each subject area.